Please See the Instructions for filling the Application Form
Name : Write your Name as it appears in your School Leaving Certificate.
Nativity : Tick the appropriate option to confirm your nativity If you do not belong to Karnataka state by either Birth or Domicile, please tick the option - Non-Karnataka candidate.
Choice of Test Centre : Select your preferred test Centre city from the list of cities provided Kindly note that once the city has been selected changes will not be allowed.
Gender : Tick the appropriate gender.
Applying for : Tick the appropriate test for which you are appearing Failure to tick correctly will result in incorrect processing of your score.
Date of Birth : Enter your Date of Birth in DD/MM/YYYY format in the space provided.
Stream : Tick against the stream in which you have obtained your graduation degree
Address : 8.Write your complete postal mailing address including your first name in CAPITAL LETTERS. Failure to write complete address might result in non-receipt of postal communication, if any.
Please make a photocopy of the application form as a proof of acknowledgement.